Frequently Asked Questions
This section was created so potential students can get answers to some of their questions. We have tried to put answers and questions to as many queries as we possibly could, if your question is not answered here please feel free to contact us.
Potential students wishing to enroll at the Hair Art Academy are advised to call our school and speak to the director.
They will advise you as to what steps you need to take and help you through the process.
You may call our school at (604) 427-3288.
A hairstylist needs to have:
• Good health and no skin allergies and irritations.
• Pleasant personality, good communication skills.
• Ability to work under pressure.
• Manual dexterity.
• Creative flair and fashion conscious. -
Applicants to the full-time, part-time and flexi-hairdressing program at the Hair Art Academy are required to provide proof of identity and educational background (i.e. photo ID and confirmation that they have Grade 12 or mature students status). The material must become part of their file.
All applicants will be invited to an orientation, an evening prior to commencement of their program. The purpose of the orientation is to outline the program offered, and to acquaint the prospective student with the atmosphere, the mission statement and the rules and regulations of the school.
Applicants may not be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, gender, color, sexual preference, physical challenges, or any other discriminatory factor prohibited by law.
Prior learning assessment may be applicable for ESL students, therefore an English Comprehensive Exam is strongly suggested.
It is recommended that you contact the school and speak to a director. They will guide you through the process and can answer many of your questions.
The course is 1152 hrs, full time 7.5 month program or 11.75 month Diploma course.
If you require a student loan you must be 19 years of age, if you have graduated from high school (i.e.) you could be eighteen). You must have been out of school for two years and be 19 to be eligible for a student loan.
Call our school for more information.
Upon completing our course, you will have the opportunity to work out of your own home, work in a salon, become a colour tech, able to work in the movie industry, and on board cruise ships.
The career possibilities are numerous and our staff will be more than happy to discuss your future as a hairstylist.
This policy governs complaints from students respecting The Hair Art Academy and any aspect its operations.
A student who makes or is otherwise involved in a complaint will not be subject to any form of retaliation by the institution of any time.
The process by which the student complaint will be handled is as follows: - Student complaints must be made in writing.
The Student will seek an informal resolution by discussing the matter with the person responsible for the action that causes concern. If this is not possible the person with the dispute will informally discuss this matter with Peter H Schroeder –Senior Educational Administrator /General Manager to find a mutual resolution. If the dispute is regarding the senior Educational administrator Peter H Schroeder the student may automatically proceed to the next step.
If the matter is not resolved at the informal stage, a student should submit a written statement within 14 days of the date the dispute occurred. This written statement should be addressed to Tommy Kuan /President. The written statement should be as detailed as possible including the student’s name, the date and time of the incident, the submission date, the name of the person(s) involved and if possible a recommended resolution. Upon receiving the written statement the Senior Educational Administrator or President will review the complaint with the student and any other person involved. The Senior Educational Administrator or President will provide to the student initiating the dispute a written reply within 14 days of receiving the complaint and if appropriate will make recommendations to resolve to dispute at hand and establish a timeframe for follow-up. If, after receiving the written final response from the Senior Educational Administrator or President the dispute is still not resolved and after all internal avenues for resolution have been exhausted and if the dispute is still outstanding and at least 14 days have elapsed since any attempt at resolution has passed, a mediator will be appointed who is agreeable to both parties. - • The written reasons will advise a student, that if the student is dissatisfied with the determination, and has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, the student may file a complaint with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) (www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca). Complaints must be filed with PTIB within one year of the date a student completes, is dismissed from, or withdraws from the program.
The student making the complaint may be represented by an agent or a lawyer.